Sunday, August 26, 2007

I named one of the Twelve Apostles "Skrypture" because they're rocks and you guys rock!!

So I basically had the best weekend ever. Starting Thursday night. Whatever had been wrong with me the past two/three weeks has completely reversed; I have bee psychotically happy all week and this weekend was no exception. Thursday night was booze cruise for Whitley- I had been trying to convince Tim to come but he had basketball and couldn't make it. It didn't really matter though, because I had an amazing time nonetheless. I got ready in about 15 minutes since I had a tute presentation from 4:15-5:15 (that went pretty well) and basically got back to Whitley and threw a dress on. Here is a booze cruise picture:
Friday was a gorgeous day. The weather has been so nice lately. I spent the majority of the day reading in the courtyard, then I had footy training. Yes, I am attempting to play an organized sport here. It's hard. I'm terrible at it. But it's SO MUCH FUN. Then I went to see the girls play Netball and went for parmas at Puggs. In the evening I went out (I think on a date??) with Don for a couple of drinks. Then I went to bed in order to rest up for the amazingness that was Great Ocean Road.

Here is what we did: Saturday morning commenced with a surf lesson. I was sore and tired from footy, so surfing didn't go to well. I wasn't able to actually stand up, but I did get up to my knees without falling so I think we a little practice I could probably be get up eventually. Afterwards we went to a photospot where we saw the beginnings of Great Ocean Road. It was really nice because I actually knew most of the people on the trip, including the girls I stayed with the first few nights I was here. Here is a picture:

However, I actually spent most of my time hanging out with new people/people I met recently, namely Antonio, Sneha, Adam, Bryan, Kevin, Sophia, Catharina, Sean, and others. We had a tremendous time together and took way too many goofy photos. The rest of Saturday we went to see more koalas, went to another beach, saw some waterfalls (and walked down a million stairs) and then checked into the hostel. Saturday night we went to a pub where a local band was playing. The band's name was "Skrypture" and was composed of two sixteen year old and one seventeen year old boy. Basically they just played lots of silverchair covers and rocked the house. I was in a really goofy mood and told them that I was their biggest Ameircan fan, so they dedicated "Israel's Son" to me and gave me a cuff/guitar pick. Here is the soon to be legendary Skrypture:

Sunday was an absolutely brilliant day. The weather was gorgeous and perfect for driving around stopping at various beaches to check out the Twelve Apostles. I have some truly amazing photographs which I sadly can't post all of up on my blog, but I'll put up a random assortment. I had an amazing time hanging out with all of my new friends and hopefully now have some people to go travel with. I am feeling tons more relaxed about everything now and honestly want to do nothing else but have adventures and not worry about "real world" issues. I have never been as sore or tired as I am now, but I really just don't care. I am really happy to be here and am very excited to see what else Australia has to offer. Now if only I could get this excited about doing my work, then life would be golden :) Enjoy the pictures- I know I enjoyed taking them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ada. We're with Pop-Pop showing him you blog. He says hi.
