As you can see, it's really quite lovely here. The weather is cool but refreshingly so, and, although it is true that you experience four seasons in a day, for the most part it is pretty dry too.
Later on we had a formal dinner and went out to more pubs. I think I may officially be pubbed out at this point, but we'll see what happens.
Friday we woke up EARLY and were taken to the Healesville animal sanctuary where we saw all kinds of Australian wildlife. It was a pretty grey day, but we had an amazing time. Here is me petting a kangaroo:
Following the animals we went to a winery, where I did Dad proud by buying four bottles of really nice wine. I'm hoping to find a way to ship a few bottles home once I get settled. Friday night was also our Scribble Crawl, which mainly consisted of us bar hopping in white tshirts and drawing all over each other. I met a couple of really nice French guys who bought me drinks and complimented me on my French. I would really like to hang out with them again and hope that the opportunity will prevent itself in the not too distant future.
Saturday was FOOTY DAY. Considering I've never been one for sports games, I was not that excited about spending the entire day in an arena with sports fans. But let me say that Footy is by far the most exciting and entertaining spectator sport I have ever seen. There is punching and tackling and hearts being ripped out. It is violent and fun. The arena was right across from the Rod Laver too, so I have an idea of how I'm going to get there in September. There were 85,500 people at the game- all of whom were chanting, screaming, and huddling in support of their respective team against the cold. Here is a picture:
Last night we went out to dinner and a finally pub for goodbyes. I have had an amazing time so far thanks to the program, and although it's sad that I'm about to lose all of the friends I just made to a number of living accomodations, it's nice to know that I am not as socially awkward as I feared. There are definitely certain people I will be seeing more of in the next few months, but I am definitely ready to separate myself from the large mass of Americans and other international students and get into the swing of being a student in Australia. I will write more once I settle into Whitley, since I'm sure my adventures are only beginning.
1 comment:
awesome pics ada! loved the kangaroo. lol but as someone that just got back from ireland, you're NEVER pubbed out! ;) keep the posts comin :)
~~Katie K
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